Human Resources

Talent view

People-oriented -- respect, innovation and value. Among them, caring for people is the starting point, respect is the basis, innovation is the process, value is the result.

Talent is an important asset accompanied, now we have from the marketing, product development, technology research and development, quality analysis, monitoring, production management, financial control and diversity talent team.We are convinced that there are no perfect individuals, only perfect teams. It is the foundation of gule's success that all colleagues devote themselves to their work and give full play to it.

Wages and benefits

We provide a competitive salary system, which is based on salary and efficiency, taking into account internal equity and external competition, so as to attract better talents and retain and motivate outstanding employees.To maintain the efficiency and quality of the organization.

Our generous welfare, perfect holiday combination, rich and colorful activities, diversified training courses and other staff needs. Opportunities are left for the prepared employees, the company and employees to grow together.Forge ahead and create great achievements.

Elite recruitment

  • >> Sales supervisor(Beijing)

    Job responsibilities:

    1、Formulated sales plan, worked target according to the plan, set target according to the target, and analyzed and recorded the completion status;
    2、Analyze the sales performance in the form of data every month;
    3、Developed the customer delivery cycle schedule, analyzed and filed the usage of new and old customers; Filing all customer quotations and contract documents;
    4、Timely follow up the payment in accordance with the contract payment period to prevent bad debts and ensure timely repayment;
    5、Collect, summarize, report and make reasonable Suggestions on sales market situation and problems;
    6、Established relationships with customers, made sales statistics and sales analysis for customers, and conducted credit surveys for customers;
    7、According to the sales plan schedule, track the progress of each link, and make timely records.

    Job requirements:

    1、Good communication and cooperation ability, expression ability and adaptability;
    2、Professional analysis ability of market;
    3、Market resilience;
    4、Good interpersonal skills, problem solving skills;
    5、Full-time bachelor degree or above.  

    Working place:

    Daxing district, Beijing

  • >> Quality engineer

    Job responsibilities:

    1、Safety evaluation before new product introduction;
    2、Formulated quality standards for product manufacturing process;
    3、Track the quality inspection and verification of production and products;
    4、Manage the product quality in the project, confirm and track the bad situation in the project;
    5、Analyze and improve the bad products of the client side and countermeasures;
    6、Responsible for collecting and sorting related literature and materials related to process improvement, and conducting regular internal communication and technical accumulation.

    Job requirements:

    1、College degree or above, no major restriction;
    2、Have the theoretical knowledge of quality management, good language communication skills, strong logical thinking, and certain ability to resist pressure;
    3、Familiar with 8D report writing, 5W1H and 5WHY analysis methods;
    4、Good experience in r&d salary;
    5、At least 1 year working experience, excellent fresh graduates.

    Working place:

    Wujiang district, Suzhou city

  • >> Procurement engineer

    Job responsibilities:

    1、Prepare individual work purchasing plans according to the company's production plan and the purchasing application for production materials of various departments;
    2、Conduct market research, conduct research on the price and quality of products, and make inquiry, price comparison and sample inspection according to the enterprise process;
    3、Preparation of procurement contract;
    4、Supplier development;
    5、Management of outsourcing companies;
    6、External warehouse management.

    Job requirements:

    1、Full-time college degree or above, more than 5 years of professional experience in purchasing and logistics;
    2、Familiar with procurement workflow, market research ability and cost control ability;
    3、Be familiar with the formulation of contract terms, have business bidding documents and contract making experience;
    4、Strong sense of responsibility and pressure resistance.

    Working place

    Wujiang district, Suzhou city

Please send your resume to the above email addressFor more detailed recruitment information,

You can also pay attention to job recruitment.

Goodpak Packing Co., Ltd.

Add:Room 808, Block C, Hongqiao Green Valley Plaza, No. 518 Shenchang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
Tel:  0086-512-63263336

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